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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Roll of excellence 


To the whole year group for working so hard and behaving well on the trip! 

This week the year 2 went to Go Ape for a day full of fun! They enjoyed climbing nets and showed great courage and resilience.

This week the children were celebrating International Week, we learnt about Iran. We made Tah Chin, an Iranian rice dish. We also learnt about Norouz- Iranian New Year. We then presented our work in a showcase.

Children in Year 2 are exploring wheels, axles and bolts. They will be making vehicles in the next few weeks.

Year 2 have been practising their sewing skills and making puppets.

Year 2 have been learning how to make a knot as part of their unit on Puppets.

The children have worked hard this week, understanding the concept of money. The children are now understanding the value of money and can use various coins to make the same amounts.

The children loved taking part in forest school. They had a great time outdoors

This week we were lucky to have Rabbi Aaron come and lead a workshop with us, to teach us about being a Rabbi, the Sabbath and the Jewish religion.

The children enjoyed acting out the school of 3 little pigs.

Still image for this video

The children have been working very hard understanding column method addition with regrouping. They were able to use mathematical resources to help them with their writing.

The children in year 2 have work hard identifying living, non-living and never alive things outdoor

This week we starting celebrating Black History Month. In the assembly the children sat in two separate boys and girls. We spoke about how the world would feel if we had to live segregated and how lucky we are to live in a country that respects everyone’s rights.

The children were able to classify and sort animals

The children have worked hard using drama to retell the story of Elmer

The children have started there place value topic and were able to partition tens and one in 2 digit numbers that they created.
