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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Roll of Excellence :

Safwan: for his enthusiasm during book week activities.

What a fun week this was! Newton Farm celebrated Book Week around the book ‘Quest’ by Aaron Becker. We has a guest author John O’Leary who showed us how to make pop-up books. Have a look at our amazing pop-up books.

This week we had our class assembly which was all about our learning during this year. The children had a great time performing. The songs are still ringing in our minds. The scooter training this week was such a treat. The children were trained in emergency stopping and were taken out of the school for this.

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Year 2 had a great time making medieval castles in our History topic of Kings and Queens. It was not an easy task but the children showed great resilience. How amazing are the final results!

In RE, we have been learning about Buddhism. Miss Kurrupu came to tell us a story from Buddhism. We also acted out the story of Buddha.

This was an amazing experience for the children. The children learnt so much about what life as an adult is. Some of us even learnt the importance of taking care of our bank cards!

STEM WEEK has been very exciting this year on the topic of Transportation Revolution. Here are some pictures to show the fun activities that Year 2 enjoyed.

What a busy week full of trips and exciting lessons!

Happy Coronation!

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Year 2 made delicious Rice Krispie cookies for Eid. Here is a short clip about it.

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Year 2 have been busy this week with Mock Sats tests in order to familiarise with the Test routines. Children have been very hardworking and resilient. On the last day of the term, Chhavi and Avika demonstrated their traditional dancing skills. Beautiful!

What an exciting day today. The children were all dressed up in their cultural clothes for International Day. For International Day, Hazel class learned all about the African country of Kenya. The best part was a Google Meet call to a school in Kenya. Our children had an opportunity to talk to the Kenyan children and ask questions.

Year 2 ‘s trip to London Central Mosque was lovely! We learnt a great deal about Islam.

Music week has been a fantastic experience for Year two. Children had the chance to bring their musical instruments to school and play it for their classmates; they had a chance to listen and ask questions to older children who played their instruments and not to mention being a part of the whole school performance of the musical’Matilda’. Music Week has been fun!

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This week, Year 2 had the opportunity to visit Africa using VR sets. Some of us visited the Serengeti and saw the elephants and some of us went up Mount Kilimanjaro - the tallest mountain in Africa. How exciting!

What a splendid half term we’ve had- lots of learning plus our fantastic Chinese New Year assembly. Everyone in Hazel class did their absolute best and we’re so proud of them! In our history lessons we’ve been learning about the great fire of London. This week we had a great lesson of first drawing the various scenes of the event and then sequencing them in Chronological

Year 2 have been very busy this week. Our trip to Paradise Wildlife Park was very exciting. Some of us had not seen live wild animals ever, so this was a real treat. Our last week of Forest school took place in the woods and what fun was that! We had a go at making a den and lighting a fire.

Presentation in all our work in Year two is very important. We are very impressed with the handwriting and presentation by Risan.

This week, Year 2 has been learning about Money in our Maths lessons.

In Forest School, we learnt about fires and made a fire painting

Year 2 had the first session of Forest School and as usual it was exciting and fun!

Wow! It’s end of the Autumn term. There has been plenty of things happening and lots of learning happening at school. We had our first snowfall of the season which was very exciting for the children, not to mention all the festivities happening at Newton Farm. Children enjoyed the Jack and The Beanstalk pantomime and the Christmas dinner was spectacular! Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and happy holidays!

In Year 2 this week, we had a special visitor from a Christian organisation who talked to us about why Jesus is important to Christians.

Guess what! The festivities of the season have started with all the children of the school decorating the gran Newton Farm Christmas tree in the hall.

Hazel class enjoyed looking at atlases and noticed many things they had no idea about. We are surely going to be looking at Atlases again.

Year 2 have been learning the concept of Multiplication.

What an amazing week we’ve had in school this week! We enjoyed reading ‘ The Snow Queen’. We had an author visit us who read us her wonderful stories.

Year 2 Hazel enjoyed their Scootability session this week. They also dressed up for the TFL fashion show too!

Year 2 have been learning different strategies to add in our Mathematics lessons.

Year 2 visited the Florence Nightingale museum and wow what a trip it was! We had the pleasure of meeting Florence Nightingale who told us all about life.

Children in Year 2 have been learning about place value and making different three digit numbers.

This week we had lovely geography lesson about the United Kingdom. The children were learning to ask geographical questions about mountains, river, landmarks and capital cities of our country.

Welcome back to school and a brand new academic year. Our learning has begun in full swing. French lessons are great fun with Madam Parekh.

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