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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Roll of excellence


Effort: Linojan for his much improved presentation and pace in his English writing 

Achievement: Heela for her independent writing of an excellent tension building description. 


Yew class have been investigating how water is transported in plants. The children have enjoyed making scientific observations and noticing patterns and changes.

The children created amazing volcanoes ready for fun and exciting eruptionS in our Geography lesson.’ Thanks!

In year 3 we have been investigating the different parts of a flower and learning about their function.

Year 3 as a whole cohort achieved 100% attendance in the first week back at school and because of this they won the attendance cup!

Year 3 has been working hard to film The Diwali Showcase. The children have been practicing their lines and have improved their performance skills.

Year 3 Yew have enjoyed their forest schools sessions this term and had a lovely farewell bonfire to celebrate becoming woodland experts. Thank you to all the parents who attended our final session!

This week Year 3 Yew has explored concrete, pictorial and abstract ways to solve addition calculations.
