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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role of excellence goes to... 

Kaylan and Eshaal - for their amazing attitude and growing confidence towards learning. Their fiction assessment had brilliant beginnings.

Year 4 created the digestive system using materials found at home.

For PSHE year 4 analysed the role of music on mental health and social life.

For Happy feet, Healthy Heart year 4 and 5 competed together to complete our Wacky Races. It was very fun!

This week it was Happy Feet, Healthy Heart week at Newton Farm. Year 4 Travelled to Baker Street to learn about its history and architecture. Besides that, our aim was to learn how to navigate underground stations and use the tube map. We were also able to compare three different underground stations. It was a very useful week.

Year 4 had a workshop to celebrate Black History in the UK.

This week Willow has been completing their independent writing creating their own play playscript and they were very focus.

Year 4 was asked to create a project on Anglo-Saxons’ settlements.

This week our Celebrations Assemblies we’re back and all children looked very proud to be back on the stage. Let’s work on having amazing assemblies and making my life hard to choose because all of you will be brilliant all the time.
