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Year 6 has been practicing incredibly hard to perfect the Year 6 end of year production and we can't wait to show you what we have in store! Buy your tickets now!

RE Day: The two parables of Jesus

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The first parable that we learnt was The Parable Of The Weeds. This teaches us that there is no good in the world without any evil. People would both lead similar lives, but after death, their actions decide whether they go to heaven or hell.

The second parable we learnt was the Parable of the Great Banquet which teaches us that there are some things that people take for granted when there are some people that actually deserve it. 

Jesus taught all his followers to deliver themselves from evil and bring themselves closer to God. His parables represented acts of kindness and learning how to become a better human being towards others.

We also had a talk by one of our governors telling us about Judaism and some stories from the Hebrew Bible. They believed that Jesus wasn’t the son of GOD but they still respected him as a prophet and believed the oldest parts of it.

On top of that , we acted out the parable of the great banquet.

This Friday, in celebration of the King's coronation, Year 6 brought in party food and celebrated in style! This celebration was especially popular as it came at the end of a long week, in which all the children had been revising and preparing for their upcoming SATs next week. Good luck to you all!

This week in the whole school it was music week. We had a workshop with Tracy King, a wonderful opera singer. Since we are doing a school play we are singing the song Revolting in the play Matilda and Tracy helped us clean up the quieter parts and gave us many great trips. Below is a video of us with a finished product and a picture when listening to Mrs King

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Chinese New Year Celebration

The Chinese New Year originated around 3, 500 years ago and there are many different versions of the story, but one is: Once upon a time, there was a dragon called Nina who would attack the villagers once the new year commenced. However, the dragon was afraid of loud noises, bright lights, and the colour red. They used the creature's weakness to defeat him. There is also a celebration called the Lantern Festival (also known as the Yu6an Xiao). This was when the Jade Emperor’s rage grew (over a dead bird) and he unleashed a plan to let the whole of China go up in flames. Before he set China alight,  a fairy told all the people in China to light up lanterns and let them float up into the sky. This made the Jade Emperor believe that China was already on fire and he thought that his mission was accomplished. And by that, China was saved.

People who celebrate Chinese New year usually have dances where people are dressed up as dragons .They also hang up red lanterns and let them float in the air . They do this to emphasise how families get together on a full moon and the roundness of the lantern shows the wholeness of a family  . They also light up candles and fireworks as this is what dragons fear as well as evil spirits . Sweet food is especially given on Chinese New Year as it promises a sweet life in the next year .Sticky rice cakes are filled with peanuts and sesame seeds, two foods that bring luck. And the many layers in flaky pastries like egg custard tarts symbolise rising abundance in the year to come, while their round shape brings family reunion.


In year 6, we have drawn dragons in art considering they are a key aspect in the Chinese new year. They represent  wisdom, power, and wealth, and they are also believed to bring good luck to them.  The reason behind this is that during a time of a drought the Chinese performed a dragon dance to pray for rain and a supply of water. Miraculously, this did work and the drought had ended. They then therefore do the dragon dance on special occasions for blessings for the future.  In year 6, we also made our own red envelopes to celebrate Chinese New Year. This is as red envelopes are a large tradition during Chinese New year. Elders generally give red envelopes to their friends and family filled with money. It is deemed that the amount of money given should never be an odd number as it is unlucky . As well as this it is believed that any amount of money should never be given with the number four as four sounds similar to death in Chinese. The reason behind them being red is to symbolise luck but also is to scare off evil spirits. On the red envelope words such as luck , happy new year and happiness are written on them to decorate the red 

In science class, we conducted an experiment to observe the behaviour of light and how it is affected by water on solid objects. We placed a pencil in an empty glass and observed its appearance. When water was added to the glass, the pencil appeared to bend, demonstrating how water affects solid surfaces.

This week in science we were learning about light and the Great Discovery. This happened 2200 years ago and was made by an Ancient Greek named Eratosthenes. He managed to confirm that the earth is round and estimated the circumference of the Earth. In science we did a similar experiment to what he did to test the theory. Here are some pictures

This week in Year 6 we made Christingles. Christians make these to celebrate Christmas. We used oranges, ribbon, raisins, fruit jellies and cocktail sticks to construct it. We learnt what each part of the Christingle symbolises something.For example, the orange represents the world and the ribbon represents God’s love for the world. Everyone had a lot of fun!

This week the whole of KS2 attended a showing of The Lion King at the West End in London. The children loved seeing the wonderful colours, listening to the live music and watching the phenomenal actors perform on stage.

This week year 6 had a TFL workshop. We learnt how to stay safe around bus stations and train stations where we stand our body height plus a step away from the road. Alex (the TFL person) shared us some sad but true stories about children who failed to follow these rules.

This week as part of our celebration of Diwali we have been creating our own comic strips that describe what Diwali is, and what happens during the festival of Diwali.
