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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


For our Eid celebration assembly this week, Year 6 designed and presented acrostic poems in the spirit of Eid.

Today we had a Mandarin workshop with Rooks Heath School. We learnt introduce ourselves in Mandarin and how to greet others.

In our R.E lesson we made Christingles for Christmas and had lots of fun making it.

In today’s science lesson, we feed Venus flytraps and it was very fun and fascinating to do.

Today we went to see Matilda the Musical and we had a great time watching the live performance.

Today was book day and we got to dress up as our favourite book characters!

In science today we were about shadows and seeing if light can reflect past different types of objects which are transparent, translucent and opaque.

In science today, we made simple circuits and tried to include a buzzer in it. Also we tried to see how bright two batteries would make one bulb.

In our coding lesson, we are currently learning how to make a game on raspberry pi. We are having so much fun making our own game!
