Home Page

Welcome to

Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

About Our Nursery

Welcome to Newton Farm's Nursery page!


Starting Nursery is an exciting time for both children and parents.  We aspire to provide all children with the best possible start to their learning journey and to achieve their full potential. The webpage contains information about our curriculum as well as feedback from our parents and children.  


Newton Farm Nursery is a part time nursery which offers a morning session and an afternoon session.  Parents need to make the choice of their child attending either the morning session (8.45am to 11.45am) or the afternoon session (12.45 to 15.45). There are twenty six children in each session.


At Newton Farm Nursery, we understand that the first five years of a child's life is crucial to their development and its impact on their life.  With this at the forefront of our practice,  we aim to provide an exciting curriculum that will develop curiosity for learning as well as developing children’s confidence and resilience and equipping them with the relevant skills that will take them into the next stage of their education.  


Our curriculum is taught through a range of topics (focusing on skills and knowledge), a balance of adult led activities and child initiated activities.


We welcome visits to the Nursery.  Please contact the office to arrange for an appointment.  


