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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

Learning about the Farm and Phonics (continued) - 19.06.15


This week in RC, we have been continuing to learn about the Farm. We have been learning about what animals live on the farm, what they and their babies are called and how they are useful, as well as drawing and writing about them. 


For Literacy, we have been learning how to write stories ensuring we are using our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in the right places, as well as using adjectives and connectives to make our sentences more interesting. 


For phonics, we have been learning to use and recognise the diagraphs 'pp' and 'oo'. 


For mathematics, we have been learning how to plot data on a bar chart and analyse it as well as practicing all the skills we have already learnt. RC made a class bar chart to show our favourite farm animals - we learnt that RC's favourite animal is the rabbit. We looked at our data further and worked out that the girl's favourite farm animal was the rabbit and the boy's favourite farm animal was the dog. RC have been busy and have enjoyed learning both indoors and outdoors using and completing a range of different resources and activities.
