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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


This Week in Nursery has been very busy. We baked scones and made crowns and we dressed up celebrated the Coronation with our very own party. We got our own caterpillars and have been watching them grow and form chrysalis. We also learnt all about Children's rights.

In Nursery we have been learning about 'All creatures great and small'. We used the VR Headsets to look at dinosaurs. We also had a chance to play with the small world habitats we had created. We shared our learning with our friends about our habitats. In maths we have been learning about height. We talked about why we need to measure things and looked at some examples of what happens when we do not measure.

This week the Nursery learnt all about Minibeasts and Easter. We all took part in a workshop about Minibeasts and got to hold many creepy crawlies and even a sweet little mouse. We got to look at minibeasts under the microscope and found out about minibeast habitats. For Easter we learnt all about the Easter Story and we made our own sand drawings of the Easter story. We also had a lovely Easter hunt. Sadly we had to say goodbye to Miss Mina, we are really grateful to Miss Mina, for all her help and support. We will really miss her and wish her all the best.

It's been a super exciting week this week in Nursery. Our new topic is Our Wonderful World and we have been learning all about Minibeasts. We went on a Minibeast hunt and we found lots of different minibeasts. We read the story The very Hungry Caterpillar by our focus Author Eric Carle. We learnt how to sequence the story and made some minibeast pebble paintings. We used mirrors to find lines of symmetry in our environment and on minibeasts. We learnt all about mindful seeing and Mindful listening and made our own sensory bottles. They are so calming to look at.

We have had so much to celebrate in Nursery. First we celebrated Shrove Tuesday and made some delicious pancakes. We read the story Pancake Pancake by our Focus author Eric Carle and wanted to add jam to our pancakes too. We then celebrated Valentines day and we wrote cards and made some special crafts for our loved ones.

In Nursery we have been learning about Traditional Tales. Our focus tale was the Three Little Pigs. We listened to an interactive story telling session and had our own opportunity to retell the story of the three little pigs. We also sequenced the story and took on roles and acted out the story in small groups. We have enjoyed exploring the world of traditional tales. In maths we have been learning about length. we learnt how to sort long and short objects and order them. We then learn how to measure objects using cubes. We went outside and did long jumps. We used our footsteps to measure how far we jumped. We have been practising writing our names so much and are getting really good at writing our names. In phonics we have been learning about alliteration.

We have been celebrating Mental Health week in Nursery. This week we got to pair up with Year 3. We had a workshop with Ms Kokayo and talked about colours and how they can affect our emotions. We then practised our mindful breathing and used blow paints to make our own art work. We had a joint P.E lesson and talked about stressors and how they affect us. We experienced how things beyond our control can affect us and some strategies to help us manage. We tried many different activities that we could do that could help us stay calm.

This week in Nursery we have been learning about Christmas. We listened to the Story The First Christmas. We transformed our Roleplay area into Santa's workshop where we wrote cards to our friends and made some toys. We learnt how to wrap gifts and practised cutting wrapping paper to the right shape and size. We have also been hard at work practising our songs for our Christmas Concert. We learnt some common customs that are practised for Christmas and why they came to be. We also made some cards for our families

For our topic of special times, special people,Nursery have been walking around the school and meeting special people who help us in school. We learnt how to use the ipads to take photos of special people who help us and learnt about what they do to help us. For our maths we have started to look at 2D shapes. Children learnt the difference between closed shapes and open shapes and even built some of their own shapes. We have also been on an autumn walk around the school playground finding autumn objects and are closely observing the changes in our environment as we transition into winter. We have also been looking at flags of the countries that are playing in the World cup and have even practised making our own flags.

This week in nursery we have been settling in and getting to know one another. The children have settled in so well and it has been a very enjoyable week. We can’t wait to welcome more friends next week. This week we have been exploring what we like to do in nursery. In The outdoor area we have been listening to environmental sounds. We could hear birds chirping and aeroplanes flying in the sky. We also used natural resources to create representations of our families. We talked about how our families are all different and unique in their own ways. We are so proud of how well all the children have settled.
