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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role of excellence goes to...

Amiti and Asher - For independently writing a description paragraph about minibeasts, using adjectives.

It was an exciting and very competitive sports day for reception. Mr V put together a number of fun activities that worked on various skills they learnt throughout the year. Well done to everyone for taking part (including the parents). A special well done to Frank (green) team for gaining the most points and being the overall winners of Reception sports day. A huge congratulations to Hirani and Arjun for being crowned the fastest girl and boy in reception. Congratulations to Ananya, Praneesha, Saish & Palvit for being runners up.

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Elm class has had a fantastic final term. There have been a number of amazing opportunities and learning experiences taking place. The children have been eco-warriors: ensuring that all the rubbish was sorted into recyclable materials and non-recyclable materials. They looked at sustainability, reusing and recycling plastic water bottles into hanging baskets. The children had an unforgettable experience at KidZania, where they were able to have a go at different professions. The next generation of emergency services and pilots can definitely be found here. At Forest School, the children had great fun leaf bashing, starting fires and being at one with nature - it was a very calming day. And finally to finish off the year - sports day! Elm class, the learning opportunities, the progress, the dancing, the laughs. Simply put, the year has been outstanding!!!

Our topic for Summer 1 weeks 5 and 6 was ‘Under the sea’. Over the past 2 weeks the children have had a number of Superhero Challenges that have developed their skills, but also to challenged them. They’ve practised/developed their weaving, cutting and fine motor skills whilst making an octopus and fish. They’ve learned new vocabulary when pretending to be a marine biologist, discovering the coral reefs and making their own underwater scene with the playdough, paints coloured rice and pasta.

Our topic for Summer 1 weeks 3 and 4 was minibeasts. Over the past 2 weeks the children have had a number of Superhero Challenges that have developed their skills, but also to challenged them. They’ve practised/developed their weaving, cutting and fine motor skills whilst making spider webs and snails. They selected, rotated and manipulated shapes to make different minibeasts and beehives. By pretending they’re minibeasts and moving around an obstacle course safely, they challenged their physical development and their gross motor skills. We have also been on a minibeast hunt and kept a close eye on our Caterpillars, they are starting to form their chrysalis. In addition to all the minibeast learning, the children got an opportunity to have a football session coached by Tottenham FC. They listened/followed instructions really well and some children were able to control the boy with 1 foot.

To celebrate King Charles III coronation, Elm class took part in coronation activities, made cucumber sandwiches, had a tea party and danced a lot!. It was a lovely and exciting afternoon.

The first 2 weeks of the Summer Term have been very exciting for Elm class. They performed their assembly on Easter to the school and their parents. It has been great to see the children’s confidence grow, as they were all able to stand on the stage and say their lines to everyone. There have been some amazing learning opportunities about the ‘life-cycle of a butterfly’ and doubling. Then to end off a lovely week, we had some new visitors.

This week reception children took their first trip on the London Underground. They were extremely excited and were able to talk about key features they could seen, as discussed in their previous topic.

Music week has been a fantastic experience for Elm class. Children had the chance to bring their musical instruments to school and play it for their friends. They had a number of assemblies, where they got the opportunity to see instruments they weren’t familiar with (flutes & saxophones), and listen to an amazing opera singer. To finish off Music week, we were a part of the whole school performance of the musical ‘Matilda’. Keep an eye out for the video on the Music Classroom.

To finish off our Desert topic, Elm class had the opportunity to visit hot and cold deserts using VR headsets. With the support of Mr Joseph, the children were able to look at different animals, up close in their natural habitats. Some of the animals they saw: giraffes, elephants, lions, mongoose and penguins. It was also World Book Day this week. The children dressed up as their favourite character and shared their favourite stories.

Welcome back Elm class! It has been a fun week this week. Our topic over the next couple of weeks is Deserts. The children have been learning about different types of deserts and used recyclable materials to create cactuses. They were desert explorers, looking at all the different animals and plants that live in a sand desert. They painted a sunset landscape on sandpaper and measured themselves against a cactus. Additionally they made pancakes, from scratch, and ate them with their friends, to celebrate pancake day.

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. The children have written their date of birth in Mandarin, made paper rabbits (to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit) and made a vegetable Chinese stir fry (which they ate in the ‘Chinese restaurant’.

This week in literacy Elm class have finished writing their non-fiction books about dinosaurs. The children were able to successfully use their phonics knowledge to write words and sentences. To end our dinosaur topic,the children looked at the potential effects that volcanoes had on dinosaur extinction. Reception really enjoyed the dinosaur topic and look forward to new and exciting learning next week.

This week at Newton Farm it's mental health week. In Elm class, we have been talking about our feelings and emotions. We worked with year 4 and came up with a song, listing different ways to make ourselves feel better. We have also continued with our learning on Dinosaurs. The children have made dinosaur skeletons using matchsticks, drawn and labelled their favourite dinosaur and have begun to make their own non-fiction book about dinosaurs.

Welcome back Elm class! After a well deserved break, the children came back ready to continue their superstar learning. Our topic this week is Dinosaurs. The children pretended to be palaeontologists and made fossils. They also got back into the swing of phonics, literacy and maths.

Elm class has finished their first term - it has been a pleasure to see their progress so far. This week we had a lot of festive fun. We performed at our Christmas Concert, watched Jack and the Beanstalk at the pantomime, wore Christmas jumpers and had Christmas lunch together. We also got a special visit and walked to the postbox to post VERY important Christmas letters. We look forward to all the new and exciting learning that will take place in Spring term.

For this week, we have been learning about the Rainforest. We learnt that in the rainforest there is a special tree called cacao tree and chocolate is made from the cocoa beans. We used chocolate to make some chocolate muffin. It was so yummy!!!

This week is Happy Feet, Healthy Heart week. The children enjoyed their scooter training and dressing up as different tube stations or lines

This week in Elm class we have been learning about Healthy Living and reading the story Handa’s surprise. The children became illustrators and drew the story map of Handa’s surprise. They also identified healthy and unhealthy foods, made their own shopping baskets, wrote shopping lists and visited the outdoor fruit and vegetable shop.

The children are settling in Reception very well. They have been making friends and getting to know their new environment. They have been learning about our new topic 'Unique Me'. The children tasted different fruits and had to choose their favourite and then draw a picture. Well done to all of you for a great week!
