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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School




My Roll of Excellence this week goes to . . .

. . . the whole class – They all worked so hard and used great team work skills during their sports day. Well Done Hazel! 


Healthy Living Week

The children enjoyed their healthy living week. They have created pledges and posters to prompt sustainable travel. Sport’s Day was a great success; the children really enjoyed themselves and had great spirits for the whole day.

Healthy living week: The children created pledges and posters to prompt sustainable travel and took part in Sport’s Day . . .

Enjoying a fantastic day out at Go Ape . . .

CSI's - investigating crimes, great teamwork!

The children really enjoyed being in the ICT suite exploring coding programmes. They picked up on what had to be done very quickly and work well together in pairs and groups.

Cross over links with Nursery - helping younger children with their learning about butterflies. The children also did some work on place value with hundreds.

E-Safety pledges . . .

Learning facts about the Fire Service . . .

Learning about capacity, data handling and how to interpret bar graphs.

Learning about the concept of time and working hard investigating various times. They tested each other and reinforced their own learning.

Poems: reciting, investigating poems and explaining what they had found.

History off the page : Great Fire of London

The children have enjoyed investigating 2D and 3D shapes. They have been working hard learning abo the properties of various shapes.

Getting out of a Year 6 devised 'escape room' using quick maths . . .

Learning about money, looking at the value of different coins and making different combination to get the same amount and looking at change.

Measuring every day objects . . .

Science experiment: Investigating materials to check if good enough to make a coat, noticing that some materials are waterproof and some are not . . .

In maths the children were able to estimate the lengths of various objects, around the class, and then using a ruler or a metre stick find an accurate reading. In science the children went on material hunt in the playground to explore various uses of different materials.

Finger painting Christmas cards and calendars and having fun on the trip to see & experience 'A Christmas Feast'

Exploring mini-beast habitats . . .

Finding out facts about habitats . . .

Using an atlas to locate countries that practice Hinduism on a map for RE . . .

Y2 Hazel Newsround . . .

Still image for this video

Visit from Florence Nightingale: The children enjoyed acting like soldiers and nurses and learning about Victorian Times

Working as a team and sharing ideas

Group work describing the tiger from a familiar story . . .

P4C question - discussing & sharing ideas . . .

Researching facts about Scutari using Atlas’s and IPads

First full week and Music lesson . . .
