Welcome to the Friends of Newton Farm
(PSFA - Parents, Staff and Friends Association. Also known as the PTA)
All parents, carers and staff are automatically members of the Friends of Newton Farm (FoNF)
What does FoNF do?
The Friends of Newton Farm is a PSFA that raises money for our children by organising fundraising events. We are a registered charity (Charity Number 1020710) and we aim to bring people together and have some fun whilst making money for a good cause. Our events are varied and include Easter and Summer Fairs, Movie Nights, Discos and Bake Sales.
We also have a Pre-Loved Uniform store – so If you would like to purchase any Newton Farm Logo Jumpers, Blazers, Polo Shirts or PE Kit please visit
Where does the money go?
Over the last few years the Friends of Newton Farm has funded:
The Friends of Newton Farm team
There is a small team of volunteer parents who coordinate activities on behalf of the PSFA and an army of parents, carers and staff who help put on events.
This year's committee include:
Nikesh Chitalia - Chair
Mamangarajah Harithwarna - Vice- Chair
Charles Victor - Treasurer
Amreeta Virdee - Secretary
How can you get involved?
There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the Friends of Newton Farm. It doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis, or even if you cannot come into school.
Willing hands: We always need a lot of extra hands to put on events both in the run up and at the event: setting up, running stalls, selling tickets, organising a raffle, cooking for stalls etc. You can give as much of your time or as little, we are always grateful for any help we receive.
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to announce that our Annual Summer Fair - the biggest event of the year is only a few weeks away and we have put our heart in organizing it and making a memorable one for the kids. All the details of the fair are in the poster. We already have a a few fantastic volunteer parents who have started prepping for the fair. We are happy to welcome all parents who would wish to participate/ volunteer by any small or big means. Kindly feel free to get in touch.
We will be starting the tokens sale from 21st June during pick up times. So dont miss out on the big day fun. Looking forward to see all of you.
Your friends
Friday 8th March - GLOW PARTY. Contact us for more details!
Help organise an event: We have a wonderful planning committee, if you would like to join or have any suggestions please email
As well as being a fundraising body the Friends of Newton Farm is a great way to meet other parents and support your children in school.
If you would like to know more, or help us with any of the events, please speak to any of the committee members or email us.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support at all the events the PSFA organises, without you attending and spending your hard earned money we would not be able to raise funds for the school and in turn support all our children.
If you would like to know more or are interested in becoming an active member of the friends of Newton Farm School please feel free to speak to any committee member or email