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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role of Excellence goes to… 

Spruha: For making sure your sentences make sense. 

Asher: For focusing on his writing. 

Year 1 enjoyed their sports day. Here are a few photos (Rights Respecting School Article 24 - Children have the right to be healthy).

Year 1 went to the RAF Museum to learn more about The Wright Brothers. In addition, on a different trip, Y1 Elder learnt more about plants and how to classify the different parts of a plant.

Mr Bradley visited Year 1 for Year 1 to ask him questions for their writing factfile. Well done Year 1 for asking excellent questions (RRS Article 13 - Freedom of Expression).

For Science, Year 1 are exploring the basic structure of a common flowering plant.

Year 1 went to Khalsa Gurudwara in Shepherds Bush and learnt about why the Gurudwara is special to Sikhs. (Rights Respecting Article 14 - Children have the right to follow their religion and beliefs with the support of their parents/carers and learn to respect other religions and cultures).

In Maths, Year 1 have been learning to count to 100 by counting in tens and ones (RRS Article 28: Children have the right to learn)

Year 1 learnt about the religious practice of Islam through our visitor Mr Fazaluddin.

Year 1 Elder learnt in RE about Jesus and the key teachings he gave to Christians. Then Year 1 Elder acted out a time when they showed kindness and forgiveness to someone.

Last week, Year 1 made Tzatziki which is a Greek dish. Here is a video of Year 1s experience of making Tzatziki. They found it very yummy.

Year 1 are researching about pets in their science lesson.

Year 1 Elder’s experience at Forest School Woodlands site.

Year 1 made their own book based on the book of ‘The Quest.’ Also with an author, they learnt how to make a pop up feature of a book.

Year 1 Elder enjoyed their first session of Forest School this week.

Below are some moments of our time in Kings Cross. It is such a beautiful, tranquil place that is worth visiting and spending more time there. The highlight of the trip was children seeing a ginger cat on a boat, sitting in front of the canal and drawing a picture of the view. In addition, the children began to notice colourful monsters that is part of the Kings Cross Halloween trail.

For History, Year 1 Elder learnt about Rayners Lane in the past from Mrs Chaksfield.

Year 1 Elder did some Geography fieldwork by going around the school to see if they were far or near from their classroom. Also they used maps to find out where they were by working together as a team. Along the way, Elder class even spoke to Mr Martinez. By the end of the lesson, all the children knew which classroom they were near to or further away from.

Year 1 Elder have been learning to count backwards from any given number. Also in History, we have been talk about what schools were like in the past.

Year 1 Elder has settled into Year 1 very well. They are fully aware of the school rules and expectations. The picture below shows the children doing talk tennis partners about what they did for the Summer holiday.
