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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role of Excellence 


Roll of Excellence goes to…

Akshayan - for a great attitude to his learning.

Sienna - for her increased independence.

Year 1 has been learning to collect information in Mathematics, making tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams. The children here were asking the question: which is your most favourite subject in school. The results: The most popular subject in Oak class is...of course Maths! Year 1 also made wind streamers to find out the direction of the wind. We found out that the wind was blowing from the East.

In French, the children have been busy making their weather booklets. They’ve learnt new vocabulary and had a lot of fun making the booklets.

Story map of ‘The Elves and the Jellymaker’ by Alice B adapted from The Elves and The Shoemaker. Year 1 have started the topic of Money and what fun it is to make different amounts using different coins!

Year 1 have learnt about common garden plants in our science lessons. Mrs Rasmussen who is our gardening expert at Newton Farm, showed us the plants around our school. The children were fascinated to learn about the amazing Snap dragon plant!

In Year 1, we are learning about ‘Time’. We have also been doing an Explanation texts and we did shared writing on how paper is made. It has been great fun!

This week year 1 Oak learnt how to find quarters of different amounts.

Year 1 has had a most amazing week. We have had a trip to the Synagogue which was fantastic. Children had an experience of travelling by bus with the class and learn a lot about Judaism. We have had a chance to visit the Amazon forest right her in class! Take look at our photo! The week ended with a grand Jubilee Party and the children had a swell time.

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What a wonderful week it has been. The best part of the week was our trip to Iver Environment Center! There was great learning on the trip as I’m sure you know by now.

Year 1 have been learning division by sharing in our Maths lessons.

In Geography we have learnt how to use a compass.

Year 1 have been learning to add two digit numbers with one digit numbers using a number line.

This week in our science lessons we have been learning about the human body parts.

This week, for International week, Year 1 was honoured to have Elizabeth come and talk to us about her country - Ghana. The children learnt lots of facts about Ghana and had a go at making the ‘Kente’ print with paper weaving.

Year 1 have been practising their weaving by using their fine and gross motor skills.

Year 1 are busy recreating Kandinskys painting called Color Study. They used different size brushes to paint the concentric circles.

Year 1 have been practising printing using fruits and vegetables.

Year 1 have started to learn about the style of art called Abstarct Expressionism. For the first lesson, the children made a picture using different textured paper and card.

This week Year 1 has been learning about Acrostic Poems and we had a go at writing an acrostic poem as a group.

This week Year 1 had some unexpected visitors who created havoc in our class! We decided to create a story around this event and worked together, to gather our ideas. It was very exciting.

The highlight for this week was the theatre trip to watch Cinderella. The children thoroughly enjoyed it.

In Year 1, we have been tracking the daily weather including the temperatures.

This week, Year 1 have been learning to skip count in tens. We made groups of ten and counted our collection of conkers. Wow! What a lot of conkers we have! We used concrete resources to make different numbers more than 10 which was very interesting.

Year 1 have been so busy this past week. For Book Week we had a shadow puppet show for Aladdin and The Magic Lamp; for science we investigated which material were transparent and opaque; in Geography we created a map of our classroom. What a lot of learning we have done!

A very happy Diwali to all of you who are celebrating. We in Year 1 have done a lot of work around the story of Rama and Sita. We learned how good wins over evil. We thought about how we can be good and how we should never be evil.

Year 1

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Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Bekonscot Model Village and felt like giants!

In Year 1 we have been learning how to make 10. We used cubes to find out the different number bonds for 10.

In Maths this week we have been using concrete resources for learning to count in twos.

It has been lovely to see all the children settling down well to a new academic year. The children are slowly getting used to the new routine.
