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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


And the Roll of Excellence goes to...

Year 1 asking Mr Bradley lovely questions about his life for their biography.

As part of Black History Month. Oak Class have been studying about Nigeria. Both year 1 class made Tie and Dye tee shirts for our showcase at the end of the week. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

Oak Class had the opportunity to learn and explore African drumming. We now know that drumming was used to send messages in the olden days when there were no mobile phones.

The children had the most exciting time. They listened and followed instructions during their Scootability session which was thoroughly enjoyed by them all.

In science, we were using our sense of smell to investigate and discover different smells that some plants around our school have. Children enjoyed this experience during our science lesson investigation.

After a fun-filled summer, the children have returned to school with renewed energy and enthusiasm. As a class, we've created our class charter and are now colouring our SuperHero to proudly display our commitment to making our classroom a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone.

Mr Bradley visited Year 1 for Year 1 to ask him questions for their writing factfile. Well done Year 1 for asking excellent questions (RRS Article 13 - Freedom of Expression).

Exploring plants in year 1-oak

Year 1 learnt about the religious practice of Islam through our visitor Mr Fazaluddin.

We’ve had a great first week back. We have started a new text in English called Emma Janes Aeroplane and are looking at Ordinal Numbers in Maths. Here are some highlights from last term! Looking forward to creating new memories this Spring!

Year 1 made their own book based on the book of ‘The Quest.’ Also with an author, they learnt how to make a pop up feature of a book.

Oak class have settled in so well to Year 1. This week we continued our fantastic writing about the “The Magic Porridge Pot” focusing on capital letters, full stops and nouns, in Maths we have started looking at number bonds to ten. Today in RE we explored symbols from Hinduism. The children have had a great week of learning. Keep it up!
