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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


The role of excellence goes too...

Arush: Neat presentation in his books.

What an exciting International week we had. Year 2 is learning all about Sri Lanka and we had a go at making Pongal pots with Clay.

Christmas festivities have begun at Newton Farm. We added our decorations in the school Christmas tree. Despite the jovial atmosphere, learning goes on!

Year 2 has been learning about First Aid in PSHE lessons.

This week has been very exciting. We had lots of activities for Book Week. We met famous authors, read lots of books and even dressed up as characters from fairy tales - but with a twist.

What exciting two weeks we have had. We had two educational trips- Windsor Castle and Shri Santan temple. Happy Diwali to all those who are celebrating.

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This week Newton Farm is having activities for Black History month. Year 2 had an opportunity to take part in a Drumming workshop. The children learnt different ways to use their hands to play the Djembe drums from Ghana. It was great fun!

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Hazel class wrote and performed poetry in groups to celebrate poetry day.

Year 2 has started with a bang! Hazel class has been busy with the learning. In Science we have been learning about living things and what differentiates them from Non-living things.

It has been a busy week as we are coming to an end of yet another great year. it has been a great year and it will be sad to say goodbye to them. The children have matured and are ready for Year 3. Here’s wishing them all the best. have a super Summer! Maths investigation in process:

Year 2 had a great day learning about measuring lengths and heights.

Year 2 had an interesting lesson on identifying different sources of information about The Great Fire of London and understanding the different viewpoints. We looked at an extract from the diaries of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn; a painting from 1666; a view from the viewpoint of a modern historian.

Year 2 Trip to the Roald Dahl Gallery.

This week we learnt about the physical features of Africa. We made the model of the Africa map with salt dough and then added some features using paint. Fun!

Year 2 Music week song performance

Last week of the term and what a busy term it has been! Science investigations, Geography- Playdough Africa, Easter craft and so much more! Wishing everyone a very happy Easter.

What a busy week this was! Lots of learning and fun at Forest School! We have started the rehearsal for our New Year Assembly which is very exciting.

The year 2 children learnt all about Jamaica for international week and enjoyed the sweet treats they made.

A very Happy New Year to everyone. 2024 promises to be an exciting year. Forest school has started and although it is cold, the children have enjoyed rambling in the mud doing outdoor activities. Being outdoors makes everyone so cheerful and you are not even aware that you are learning essential life skills whilst having fun.

Here we are - almost the end of 2023! What a busy and exciting term we’ve had with all the learning and the various trips. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to seeing everyone in 2024.

Exciting science lesson happened in Year 2. We have been scientists and observing garden snails. Our investigative question was ‘What do snails eat’? We have made some fascinating observations, had great discussions about how we could carry out the investigation and have taken photos to record our observations. What fantastic learning it has been. Do you know what snails eat?

Year 2 has such a busy week with two trips- Windsor Castle and Barbican. The behaviour of all the children on the trips was impeccable- so much that even some members of the general public were impressed and commented on it!

This week has been very exciting with two fun activities. Year 2 visited the Jain Temple and learned very interesting facts about Jainism. In addition, Year 2 had an amazing drama workshop in school. The children greatly enjoyed it.

It’s been a busy week in Year 2 with lots of exciting lessons- especially the science lesson where we looked at living organisms we could find in our school grounds. And what a find! Our history lessons are all about Kings and Queens. We had a splendid time putting some of our monarchs on a time line

Year 2 has started their learning with a bang! It is lovely to see the enthusiasm.
