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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role Of Excellance 


Aliza for writing a great poem about herself and using innovative rhyming words.

Ananth for being very independent and creative when writing his poem.

This week in Maths Pine class has been learning about different types of measure. We measured the length, height and weight of objects around the classroom.

This week Pine built houses for mice using different materials in Science. We then tested their durability and recorded our findings.

In Year 2 we have been learning about living, dead and none living things. Ishan also wrote an amazing story called ‘Grumble in the Jungle’ which was put on the Wall of Excellence.

The children have worked super hard during book week. They were enthusiastic and excited.

In Year 2 Pine we have been celebrating Diwali. We made comic strips of the story of Ram and Sita. We included speech bubbles and onomatopoeia. Happy Diwali to everyone.
