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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role of excellence goes to...

Somayah for her excellent contribution and engagement in forest schools.

Sherickaa for her amazing art work and Mais for her attitude and effort towards the new maths topic of decimals. 

Congratulations to the Year 4 children for completing their MTC and for their amazing rap in our RE lesson!

Still image for this video

This week, the children have continued being busy rehearsing for the Eid production next term - they are doing brilliantly!

This week, the children were baking cakes and made tea for Chinese New Year. They learnt different cooking methods and tasted some green tea!

This week in Year 4 Beech, the children performed their class assembly of Scrooge to the school and to the parents. They had been working really hard and the performance was brilliant!

This week in year 4 the children have been exploring the changing of states in their Science lessons

This week in Beech class, we were exploring freeze frames to represent the 10 commandments in Judaism.
