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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Role of Excellence

Ryan - His writing is showing a lot of his resilience and reflectiveness, and by paying close attention to the instructions he is producing good quality work.

Akshayan- For his Reciprocity and reflectiveness in his maths work. He is been always finishing his  work and at the same time helping his peers anytime they need.

This week Y4 Willow was lucky to have an African Drumming workshop. They loved it and they really embraced the experience.

Year 4 have been creating electrical circuits.

Year 4 beech presented their eco system and how they were created.

Year 4 created the digestive system using materials found at home.

For Happy feet, Healthy Heart year 4 and 5 competed together to complete our Wacky Races. It was very fun!

This week it was Happy Feet, Healthy Heart week at Newton Farm. Year 4 Travelled to Baker Street to learn about its history and architecture. Besides that, our aim was to learn how to navigate underground stations and use the tube map. We were also able to compare three different underground stations. It was a very useful week.

Year 4 Beech took part in a engaging black history month workshop where they had a lot of fun.

Year 4 Beech have been doing a Science experience in states of matter.
