The first parable that we learnt was The Parable Of The Weeds. This teaches us that there is no good in the world without any evil. People would both lead similar lives, but after death, their actions decide whether they go to heaven or hell.
The second parable we learnt was the Parable of the Great Banquet which teaches us that there are some things that people take for granted when there are some people that actually deserve it.
Jesus taught all his followers to deliver themselves from evil and bring themselves closer to God. His parables represented acts of kindness and learning how to become a better human being towards others.
We also had a talk by one of our governors telling us about Judaism and some stories from the Hebrew Bible. They believed that Jesus wasn’t the son of GOD but they still respected him as a prophet and believed the oldest parts of it.
On top of that , we acted out the parable of the great banquet.