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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

Diagraphs 'ow' and 'oi/oy' 08.05.15

This week in RC, we have been continuing to learn about 'Mini beasts'. RC have enjoyed using a range of resources to create and draw their own mini beasts and label them. 
For phonics, we have learnt the diagraphs 'ow' and 'oi/oy'. We have been writing stories using adjectives and connectives. We must remember to use our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing and check that our writing makes sense. 
For mathematics, we have been continuing to practice writing our numbers and addition, as well as learning to recognise different coins and describe them. We have also been talking about why we use money and how money can be used. This will link in nicely with the new topic 'Shopping' we will be starting next week.                               
It would be very useful for the children if you could show them and talk to them about money at home or during any shopping trips you may take them on, this will also be a nice experience for them and will help them in their learning next week.