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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

Events 2015/2016

Year 2 Transition Assembly - 13 July 2016

Year 6 Leavers Assembly - 15 July 2016

Bike it Breakfast - 14 July 2016

Newton Farm's Got Talent

Art Week Showcase

EID Assembly

USA Independence Day Lunch

Art Week

The week beginning 27th June was Arts Week and we had an artist in resident come to visit us and work with the children on various aspects of art. Each class studied a famous artist and really enjoyed the week’s arts activities.

Nursery Assembly

On Friday 1 July the morning and afternoon Nursery children performed their assembly. The children were very confident in their speaking and reading skills painted some wonderful painting of the animals they saw on their trip to Hounslow Urban Farm. Thank you to all the parents who attended the assembly.

Reception ELM Class Assembly - 24th June 2016

New Reception Parents Meeting - 23rd June 2016

DOHL Assembly - 23rd June 2016

Elder Assembly - 23rd June 2016

'Freedom Assembly' - 22nd June 2016