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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

Events 2015/2016

Year 2 Transition Assembly - 13 July 2016

Year 6 Leavers Assembly - 15 July 2016

Bike it Breakfast - 14 July 2016

Newton Farm's Got Talent

Art Week Showcase

EID Assembly

USA Independence Day Lunch

Art Week

The week beginning 27th June was Arts Week and we had an artist in resident come to visit us and work with the children on various aspects of art. Each class studied a famous artist and really enjoyed the week’s arts activities.

Nursery Assembly

On Friday 1 July the morning and afternoon Nursery children performed their assembly. The children were very confident in their speaking and reading skills painted some wonderful painting of the animals they saw on their trip to Hounslow Urban Farm. Thank you to all the parents who attended the assembly.

Reception ELM Class Assembly - 24th June 2016

New Reception Parents Meeting - 23rd June 2016

DOHL Assembly - 23rd June 2016

Elder Assembly - 23rd June 2016

'Freedom Assembly' - 22nd June 2016

Reception ASH Class Assembly - 16th June 2016

On Thursday 16th June, Ash class performed their class assembly on mini-beasts. The assembly was really enjoyed by everyone. Well done to all the children in Ash class for being so confident in front of large audience!

NSPCC Workshops - 17th June 2016

On Friday 17th June Years 5 and 6 had workshops led by the NSPCC after a whole school assembly.

Queen's Birthday Lunch Celebrations

On Friday 10th June we had a wonderful special lunch to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday ! A big thank you to Leah, our Head Chef for organising this event and making a delicious lunch.

NSPCC Assembly - 6th June 2016

On Monday 6th June we had a special assembly led by the NSPCC about Anti-Bullying.

Music Assembly - 23rd May 2015

On Tuesday 24th May we held a whole school Music Assembly where the children showcased their musical talents!

Greek Day Lunch - 19th May 2016

On Thursday 19th May the children enjoyed a special Greek meal for lunch. They really enjoyed tasting food from another country. Thank you to the cooks for organising this meal for the children and staff.

Curriculum Evening - 19th May 2016

On Thursday 19th May the staff held a Curriculum Evening for the parents and carers to explain the new assessment and reporting arrangements that the school has devised to ensure that all pupils make progress in the new National Curriculum.

Best Project (Y4/Y5 Sports)

Years 4 and 5 have been involved in the Best Sports coaching Programme and the children have been very fortunate in having specialised sports coaches teaching them different skills to enable them to become better players.

The Walking Bus

The Walking Bus this summer term was a great success. Many thanks to Mrs Bush, our Travel Plan Coordinator for leading on this and thank you to all the staff who have helped to make this so successful.

Assembly by Harrow Food Bank

On Monday 25th April we had a special assembly led by Mr Peter Levy, a representative from the Harrow Food Bank. He told the children all about who the Food Bank works and how hundreds of people it helps in Harrow and we can become involved in helping and supporting those in need with in our local community.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Evening

On Thursday 21st April, the school held an Information Evening for Year 1 parents on the Phonics Screening Check which will take place in June. Thank you to all the parents and carers who we able to attend this evening and thank you to Miss Veghela and Miss Pedersen for leading the session.

Hot Lunches resume at Newton Farm School

The week beginning 18th April marked the beginning of our new hot meals service being cooked on our premises in our new keitchen. The children really enjoyed the meals that were being served. A special thank you to Pride Caterers who have been commissioned by the school to provide this service.

Harrow Music Fair with Instrument Zoo

Easter Assembly

On Wednesday 23rd March we had a special assembly led by the Harrow regeneration Team.

Key Stage 1 SATs Meeting

On Tuesday 22nd March we held an Information Session for parents with pupils in Year 2 sot hat we could explain the changes and new reporting arrangements to the KS1 SATs. Thank you to Mrs Shah for leading the session and thank you to the all the parents/carers who were able to attend the morning..

Science Showcase Assembly

We had a special Showcase Assembly where all the classes showcased the work they had been doing during Science and Engineering week. A special thank you to Miss Burgess for organising the events for this exciting week.

Science and Engineering Challenge Afternoon - 23rd March 2016

The week beginning 21st March was Science and Engineering Week and the children had great fun working with different age groups and working on various experiments.

Competition and Raffle Winners

Florence Nightingale visits Year 2

On Wednesday 23rd March, Year 2 had a wonderful drama workshop based on the story of Florence Nightingale.

BMX Showcase

Y4 African Drumming Showcase

Irish Music Showcase - Y3 on 18th March 2016

On Friday 18th March Year 3 put on a wonderful Music Concert celebrating the skills they have learnt during this term’s whole class Music tuition on Irish Music. Thank you to all the parents for coming to this event and we hope that this experience has encourage lots of children in Year 3 to take up a musical instrument.

Parents Evening - 16th/17th March 2016

On Wednesday 16th March and Thursday 17th March we had Pupil Progress meetings with parents and it was wonderful to see all the parents attending this event. We would like to thank you for supporting your children during their time at Newton Farm School. The school greatly values the strong partnership we have with our parents.

Year 3 Class Assembly

On Wednesday 16th March Year 3 performed their Class Assembly on the Roman. It was an excellent assembly showcasing the children’s knowledge about the Roman period. They all performed with great confidence and the parents and pupils thoroughly enjoyed the assembly.

Shakespeare on Film for Y5 and Y6

Autism Awareness Week Poster

Autism Awareness Week

The week beginning 14th March was Autism Awareness Week the we had a special assembly led by a representative from the Autism Society to do assembly for the whole school to raise awareness of autism.


'Riot Act' Workshops - Air Pollution

On Friday 11th March pupils in Years 5 and 6 had a special workshop performed by the “Riot Act” on the theme of air pollution and how to reduce this in our environment. The pupils felt they learnt a great deal about how to help to reduce air pollution and the important of looking after our fragile planet.

Year 5 Assembly

On Wednesday 9th March Year 5 performed their Class Assembly and they all contributed to the assembly and displayed excellent oracy and performance skills. It was lovely to see so many parents attend the assembly. Well done to all the pupils in Year 5 and thank you to Mrs Majeed, Year 5 Class teacher, for supporting the children in delivering their assembly so well.

EAL Parents Forum - 11th March

On Friday 11 March, Miss Bourezza, our Inclusion Manager, held a Parents Forum meeting on how to support pupils who have English as a second language and what eh school does to support our youngsters who has EAL. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend this meeting.

Fire Safety Workshops

On Friday 4th March, pupils in Year 2 and 5 invited our local Fire Safety Officer to talk to run some workshops about Fire Safety as part of their Safety Awareness training.

Year 5 visit Kidzania at Westfields

On Tuesday 1 March Year 5 went to KidZania in Westfield. This visit inspired them to explore the world of work opportunities as they took on the roles of pilot, firefighter, and news presenter and so on. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the trip as it opened their minds to the types of careers they would like to pursue it the future.


Year 3 - History Off the Page 'Vikings'


On Wednesday 2nd March Year 3 had a whole day workshop on the Vikings as they are studying this period during this term. They were engaged in so many practical activities which reinforced their learning throughout the day.

Nursery 'Stay and Play'

It was wonderful to see so many parents in the Nursery on Wednesday 2nd March for the “Stay and Play” sessions. Thank you to all the parents for their supporting in enhancing our children’s’ learning in the Nursery.


Mothers Day Assembly

On Friday 4th March, we had a special Mother’s Day Assembly and pupils thought about their mothers and how they have given them so much and that it was important to honour them and make them feel special, not just on Mothering Sunday, but every single day.

Visiting Headteachers and Teachers from Iceland

On Tuesday 1 March the school hosted a special visit from HTs and teachers from Reykjavik in Iceland. Mrs Bhakoo, our Headteacher visited Iceland before half term to work with the education department and schools on developing the curriculum and how pupil voice can support school development. So our Icelandic visitors wanted to come and see our work at Newton Farm School.

Road Safety Assembly

On Monday 29th February, the whole school had a special Road Safety Assembly to help them to keep safe when crossing the road and how to generally keep themselves safe at all times when they are outside.

Our New Building

The Junior School pupils and staff were very excited to move into the new building on Wednesday 24th February.

We are gradually getting settled into the new classrooms and they look beautiful!


Workshops by Toby of "Just Different"

On Wednesday 24th February and Thursday 25th February the school had “Just Different” assemblies and workshops to celebrate disability and diversity.

Chinese New Year Assembly 12th Feb 2016

On Friday 13th February we had a special Chinese New Year Assembly with each class contributing to this special occasion.

Safer Internet Assembly - 05.02.16

On Friday 5 February we had a whole school assembly on keeping safe when using the internet as it was Safer Internet Day 2016. Thank you to Miss Burgess who led out assembly and thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our assembly.

Year 1 Oak Assembly

On Wednesday 3 February, Year 1 Oak class performed their class assembly on the travels of Barnaby Bear. It was wonderful to see all the countries that the children had been to visit with Barnaby Bear. We learnt so much about Africa, England and Australia!

Thank you to Miss Vaghela and her team for showing us how confident the children are in Year 1 Oak. Well done to all the children in the class for a great performance!



Safeguarding/Prevent Parents Forum - 29.01.16

On Friday 29th January, Mrs Bhakoo, our Headteacher, held a Parents’ Forum Meeting on Safeguarding and how the Prevent Strategy fits in the new Safeguarding Policy and Practice at Newton Farm School. It was good to see so many parents and carers at this meeting.

Y4 Willow Assembly - 28.01.16

On Thursday 28th January, Year 4 performed their class assembly based on the theme of “Random Acts of Kindness”. It was a wonderful assembly full mini scenarios that the pupils had created to demonstrate how a little bit of kindness goes a long way. The pupils performed with confidence and enthusiasm – well done to all the members of the class.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to join us for this assembly.

Phonics Sessions - Rec and Y1

On Monday 18th January was the start of our Phonics sessions in Reception and Year 1 classes involving parents and children working together. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend this week’s session. We look forward to seeing you next Monday for another session.


Dance Assembly - 22 Jan 2016

On Friday 22nd January we had a special assembly where some children from Year 4 performed a Tamil dance which they had choreographed themselves.

Our new Playground Pals were appointed at the beginning of the Autumn term 2015. They look very smart and ready to ensure that all the children in the Infant School have wonderful playtime experiences.

We are very fortunate to have very talented pupils who can bi-lingual and multi-lingual! These are our Young Interpreters who help us out with communication in different languages.
