Year 6 end of year show 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'
Momo Theatre Company visited Newton Farm School to talk to the children about road safety, school travel plans and sustainable transport.
Meetings were held on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th July, for parents of children starting Newton Farm School Nursery and Reception in September 2018.
The winners of Newton Farm’s got Talent were announced in assembly on Friday 29th June. The winners were chosen by the Student Council of Newton Farm School.
On Tuesday 26th June 2018 Mr and Mrs Smith from Abigail Ministries visited Newton Farm School. Mr & Mrs Smith informed the children of the work they have carried out at Seed School in Kenya. The money raised from our ‘No Electricity Day’ has been donated to Seed School.
Newton Farm's Got Talent Showcase - 22nd June
On 20th June representatives from each year group spoke to parents about children's rights and how they relate to the curriculum taught at Newton Farm School.
Parents came into school to talk to the children about their jobs. They explained to the children what their role was in the workplace. The children thoroughly enjoyed listening and learning about the different professions which included dentists, engineers, I.T specialists, shop owners, lawyers, accountants, business analysts and recruitment consultants.
Mr Bradley led a Parents Forum on Safeguarding on Thursday 14th June.
Newton Farm School held an assembly on Wednesday 13th June to celebrate Eid. Eid is an important Muslim religious holiday celebrated around the world marking the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting.
Congratulations to the winners of the Infant and Junior School Writing Competition.
Cooking with Miss Leah on 8th June
Mrs Parekh led a French Assembly on Thursday 7th June. Each year group from Year 1 to Year 6 sang songs in French and children from Year 6 spoke about the Tour de France
French Video 1
French Video 2
French Video 3
Children enjoyed ‘Tour de France’ Bike it breakfast on Thursday 7th June. Children were then treated to a French style breakfast which they thoroughly enjoyed.
On Wednesday 5th June, some pupils and Miss Rose helped prepare for the Bike-It Breakfast
Szandra Szogedi an athlete visited Newton Farm School on Wednesday 6th June 2018.
On 5th June Mrs Jiwa and some of our pupils led an interesting Ramadan Assembly
The Governing Body visit classes and observe maths lessons throughout the school
The Governing Body met with the Learning Council to discuss school matters
RE Day Assembly - 24th May 2018
On Thursday 24th May, Faith Leaders from various faiths visited Newton Farm School and gave the children an insight into different faiths.
Children had the opportunity to dress in a Religious or Cultural costume for RE Day
Preparing for the Royal Picnic - 16th May 2018
Pascal from J&C Academy held a meeting for parents, to inform them of the new onsite Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs, which will start on June 4th. Pascal also informed parents of the up and coming half term and holiday clubs available.
On 10th May Mr Bradley led a Parents Forum on Anti-Bullying
Mr Bradley led a ‘State of the School’ meeting for parents on Thursday 3rd May. This meeting was to inform parents of what is going on in school at the moment and the plans for the future.
Year 2 parents were invited to attend a KS1 meeting led by Miss Vaghela and Miss Kotecha.
Mark Stevenson from Primary Shakespeare Company visited Newton Farm School on Wednesday 2nd May to work with Year 5. The children have just begun to rehearse for their up and coming performance of Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale.
Gabriella Russo from NSPCC visited Newton Farm School on Thurs 26th April. Gabriella informed the parents on the importance of keeping children safe on the internet. Please see below for useful links to help parents.
On Wednesday 25th April Miss Mehta and Mrs Jiwa led a meeting for the parents of Year 1 children.The meeting was to inform the parents about the National Phonics Screening tests which will take place in the Summer Term.
Children from year 3-5 went to Lords Cricket ground to see Middlesex vs against MCC XI in a T20 game. This Match included former England captain Charlotte Edwards and wicketkeeper-batter Sarah Taylor. During this visit the Pupils learnt more about team sports by observing professional playing at a high level.
Watford Community Sports and Education Trust is a registered charity running Community Sports and Educational activities on behalf of Watford FC. Two members of Watford Community Trust visited Newton Farm School on Tuesday 17th April to work with children in years 4 and 5. The visitors will be visiting school for the next five weeks. Their aim is to develop pupils confidence, teamwork and social skills through the power of sport.
On 20th April the Newton Farm School Learning Council attended a Rights Respecting presentation at Roxbourne School.
Children at Newton Farm School have been celebrating Science Week. They have been involved in a range of activities, including a variety of experiments such as making rockets and sampling space food.
This week has been Shakespeare Week. Each class have been focusing on a particular play written by William Shakespeare himself. They have looked at all the different themes and characters in the play . At the beginning of the week the teachers performed a short version of the Tempest to entice the children in, then during the week each class focused all their lessons to understand their play in greater depth and produce a variety of Art and DT product to showcase in Friday's Assembly. The whole school used their resourcefulness, resilience and reciprocity to do this. I am extremely proud.
Mrs Ali came to our Reception classes to talk to the children about the importance of brushing their teeth
Two members of SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) visited us on Tuesday to lead an assembly on Judaism
Year 2 parents were invited to a Reading and Writing session which helps parents become active partners in their child's learning
Trained cyclists from 'Bikeability' came into school and taught the children The Highway Code's 'Rules for Cyclists'
Children enjoyed participating in workshops when Re:generation visited Newton Farm School on Wednesday and Thursday.
PCSO’s Duggan and Sanders came into school to talk about their roles in the local community, but most importantly, the officers explained to the children how to keep safe at all times.
Education City Workshop for Parents - Feb 2018
More children enjoyed learning about cooking with Miss Rose
Chinese New Year Assembly - 9/2/18
Children from Y1 to Y5 had a lot of fun finding clues, solving problems and finding an escape route out of their classroom when Y6 visited them on Tuesday afternoon.
Pupils from Harrow High School visited Newton Farm School on Friday 26th January for a drama workshop which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
On Wednesday two visitors from the Baha'i Faith led an assembly which the children found very interesting and informative
More children enjoyed learning about cooking with Miss Rose
The Governors visited school on Friday 19th January and were given an insight to daily life at Newton Farm School
Pupils had great fun cooking and learning about food with Miss Rose our Catering Manager
Parents Briefing: 12/01/18 - Mr Bradley and Miss Burgess led a ‘State of the School’ briefing for parents.