We are delighted to tell you that the summer showcase this year will be on the 7th of July. This is a fantastic opportunity for instrumentalists and singers to showcase their talents. You will see performances from the choir, orchestra ensemble and soloists
Music Awards
In our Friday assembly we had 2 children who had received awards for their music exams outside of school. Learning inside of school is just as important as home learning so it is always great to see these awards of success beyond their school learning. Well done to students from year 4 and year 6!
Parents evening 2019
Here are some photos from last years parents evening. The children enjoyed playing as parents and families entered the building in the foyet.
Choir Rehearsals
The choir rehearsing 'There's a Power in the Music' backstage before the big show. Thanks again to all parents who supported us at this magnificent event. This will definitely go down as one to remember, keep up the great singing choir!
Harrow Schools choir showcase
This year we sang alongside 7 other schools, each school performed 2 songs and a final song all together as a massed performance. The evening was a wonderful occasion for parents to see how far the schools choir has come over the last year. Miss Smith was very proud of the progress they have made, we have been specifically looking at three part harmony, rounds and performance techniques to help us to shine. The two pieces we sang were ‘I’m gonna sing’ and ‘Wade in the water’. Well done to those that sang solo parts too, you were fantastic!
Trumpet club
This week in Trumpet club we have been learning F# and B. The children have been using these notes to play James bond within the orchestra. They will be playing this for parents on the 1st of April at our spring concert.
Guitar Festival
4 children from year 5 attended HMS Guitar festival at the Harrow Arts Centre. They played alongside 200 other children from different schools within the borough. Each school had to learn 6 different pieces in their Guitar lessons, which they spent all day time rehearsing and performed in a concert to parents in the evening. The concert was fantastic and it was great to have children from Newton Farm present for the first time. Keep up the great playing!
Purcell School of Music
The orchestra children went on a trip to the Purcell School of Music. They attended a lunchtime concert full of wonderful performances from their students, ranging from 11-18yrs of age. The school is based in Watford and is a specialist music school. The children were thrilled by the school and really enjoyed their workshops throughout the day. 5 of Newton Farm children were selected by Miss Smith to take part in the concert and played exceptionally well under pressure.
Orchestra back in full swing
This term the new orchestra children are working on two pieces they will be performing in the Spring concert. We have all four sections of the orchestra now with Brass, Woodwind, Strings and Percussion. Fantastic!
The newly formed Newton Farm Rock Band has started rehearsing. The children are very excited, in our first rehearsal we looked over Seven Nation Army and collected many song suggestions they might like to attempt playing throughout the term. Watch this space! Newton Farm Rocks!
Here at Newton Farm we are very excited to announce awards for excellent learning outside of school. But even more so when the awards are recognitions of musical success from the BBC show Blue Peter. Miss Smith along with everyone else at Newton Farm are super proud of the 3 pupils who have been awarded this badge for their entries. The badge was new and designed by Ed Sheeran, they had to fill in an application form on why they should win the prestigious badge and show examples of their musical learning in and outside of school. Keep up the fantastic musical excellence Newton Farm!
We are having a great few weeks here for music, every Friday is our award assembly and yet again we have lots of musical success! We have two certificates for Carnatic vocal/dance and an award for pre grade ABRSM Piano. Not only is it exciting for these children to get a headteachers award but two of these children have been chosen by other teachers too and have got themselves doubled up with TWO head teachers stickers! What a proud week for these children!
On Friday 13th December Newton Farm held their Christmas concert in the local church. With performances from the choir, orchestra, girls chorus, guitar group and many more. The concert is an opportunity to showcase our thriving music department and talented musicians throughout the whole school. The acts were chosen by Miss Smith and have been rehearsing all through the term to come together in front of family and friends to perform a festive show. The performance was amazing! The choir are consistently improving with confidence and are working hard on their three part harmonies. Guitar ensemble show great promise on their instruments as they play you 'Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer' and look out for the video of two of our pupils singing a rendition of 'Christmas Time is here' a Jazzy ballad.
Music Awards
We are very proud to announce that three children this week have received certificates of performance in their grade 1. A distinction in Carnatic Vocal, A distinction in Carnatic Keyboard and a pass in Grade 1 ABRSM Piano. Amazing guys well done! If you have been awarded a certificate don't forget to bring it to our award assembly on Fridays!
Year 4 Assembly Performance
A year 4 plays us a grade 2 piece as children walk into assembly on world book day. The song has chords in the left hand which ties in nicely with what year 4 are learning this term, Harmony. Well done, Keep up the great learning year 4!
Year 5 Students Explore Chords
In music this term we are learning our winter celebration music, looking closely at harmony and chords. They were set the task of learning the melody for 'Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town' and to use their keyboard street to work out the correct chords to put with it. We looked at the chord of C, G, D and A. A Chord is when you play more than one note at the same time, these are commonly used to accompany tunes. Keep up the great harmonies year 5!
Drum club has started, with children learning a new drill each week. They have learnt the parts of the drum kit and are starting to put together simple patterns to accompany a song.
Trumpet Club
We are very excited to announce the first Trumpet club has started. 8 children from year 3 have been chosen to take part in the club, where miss smith will be giving Trumpet tuition. In the first lesson we covered the fingerings for C, D, E, F and G. The group quickly picked this up and are now able to play their first song ‘Mary had a little lamb’ on the Trumpets.
Body Percussion
In the music curriculum this half term we have been studying Body Percussion, making sounds with your body. We look at Ostinato, Cyclic Patterns and notating percussion instruments. As a whole school we have been practising becoming a human drum kit along to the song 'Shotgun'. Each year group had a different pattern and have been practising within their music lessons. At the end of half term we performed all together in our music assembly. We hope you enjoy!
Miss Smith has invested in a brand new drum kit ! Miss Smith has chosen some lucky children for a drum club every Friday, where they will learn how to keep a basic beat, and hopefully have someone ready to play in the orchestra for the Christmas concert!
"Thanks to all the parents last academic year who attended the spring concert and summer showcase. All the money raised in these events goes towards the music budget" - Miss Smith
On 9th October 2019 the Orchestra were able to go to the BBC Primary Proms at the Royal Albert Hall. The performance consisted of some of the best orchestras/choirs/big bands/percussion groups of under 18's in the country. It is a chance for youth to showcase their amazing ability in music, and the hall was completely sold out, and full of primary school children! One of the most memorable performances was the Jazz Youth Big band. They had the hall up and dancing/clapping in time to their numbers. The trip was a fantastic opportunity for the orchestra to see the kind of standard Miss Smith is looking for to take Newton Farm music department to the next level.
Another week of brass accomplished! This week they learnt their next note D. On the Trombones this was position number 7 and on the Trumpets fingers 1 and 3. They are progressing quickly whilst learning their crotchets, minims and semibreves. Some children are making a great sound out of their instruments and miss Smith looks forward to choosing the lucky 5 going through to the orchestra after Christmas!
Every Friday assembly the children get to showcase their playing as other children walk in and out of assembly. This week we had Kiran and Amogh from Y4. They played us two numbers on their flutes, the crowds of children looked on with admiration as this is first time we have had woodwind here at Newton Farm! Well done boys! Fantastic effort as always.
The new team of girls has been chosen and you will see their debut performance at the Christmas concert 13th Dec. We have been working on our performance techniques when soloing and their posture. The girls are full of enthusiasm so watch this space and look out for their performance at St.Andrews church.
Welcoming our new KS1 orchestra children! The children were carefully selected by miss Smith, and have already gone above and beyond her expectations for the year groups! They are reading music well and can all name notes C,D,E,F,G,AB,C with fluency. They will be playing 'twinkle twinkle' In the Christmas concert. The future of music here at Newton farm keeps going from strength to strength!
A big welcome to the new children welcomed into the orchestra for this term! The new Y3's are already showing fantastic promise as they begin their peripatetic lessons here at Newton Farm. We are already practising pieces for our first show as a collective, which will be held at St. Andrews Church on 13th of December. We will be playing a mass piece with the choir and a solo piece of music from the Carmen Suite 'Habenera'.
Here at Newton Farm we are very excited to be having a whole year programme of Trumpet/Trombone lessons for Y3. They have thrown themselves into their lessons and are itching to play these wonderful instruments! Every Wednesday morning they will have an hour of instrumental teaching with Harrow Music Service teachers. Miss Smith is looking for a group of children who are picking it up fast to potentially join the orchestra after the new year. Keep up the amazing playing Y3!
Peripatetic lessons are back up and running with lessons of Violin, Guitar and Steel pans available. Mr Ortiz has commented that the new starters in Yr3 this year show great promise and enthusiasm for learning the Guitar and already some children have joined the orchestra! They have been working on a Christmas song too for the concert at St. Andrews Church on 13th Dec 'Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer'.