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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

Needs and Wants: 8.6.2015

This week, the children had a P4C and a UNCRC (childrens rights) session about Needs (clothes, shelter, safety and clean water) and Wants (toys, car, big house, music). It was a very interesting lesson at the children were talking about why they need and want certain things in their life. We read the story "The Fisherman and his Wife" as it linked well with the topic.


In addition, the children had the opportunity to look at their learning journeys and talk to an adult about what they liked and what they want to see in their learning journey.  


In Literacy, the children have worked on the 'gg' and 'nn' digraph. In addition, they have been been learning to write their own story with a beginning, middle and an end. For Mathematics, the children have been recapping on using a number line for adding and subtracting. Also, they have also learnt about the vocabulary for capacity and they are starting to using it in real life e.g. checking how much water they have in their water bottle.


Next week, the children will be learning more about the Farm before they go on the trip. For phonics, they will be learning the diagraph 'oo' (book, took cook) and 'pp'. In Mathematics, we are going to explore height and weight through practical activities.  
