What IT systems are available to Parents?
SIMS Parent App - you will be invited, via an email from Capita SIMS, to join SIMS Parent App. This app allows you access to the data we hold on your child, assessment data and shows you all items in the School Calendar. It is also our primary method of communicating important and/or urgent information to our parents.
ParentPay - all school trips and hot dinner orders/payments are managed via the ParentPay system. You will be issued with a letter when your child starts school which explains how to set up your account. All trips, permission requests and other payments will be sent out this way. You will receive an email from ParentPay to notify you of any items that require your attention.
School Website - the school website is updated every Friday with school event photos and class page updates. Curriculum details and policy documents are also available for you to view.
Please click on the link below for technical support with school software.