At Newton Farm we use our own phonics scheme based on the "Bug Club" decodable book series to support learning in phonics. Parent workshops, information sessions and weekly homework provide extra information on how phonics is delivered in our school.
Early Years Foundation Stage
From the Beginning of the Early Years Foundation Stage, Phonics is taught using Newton Farm’s Phonics Cycle. This approach entails using a fun and unique method to deliver systematic phonics lessons which enables all children to continually make progress.
Newton Farm Nursery begins phonics at ‘Phase One’. This is the stage which focuses on building a discriminatory ear and encourages children to tune into the sounds around them, preparing the children for Phases 2-5 carried out in Reception and Year 1. During this time, children in Reception are also exposed to ‘Common Exception Words’. These are words that cannot be phonetically decoded which need to be remembered by ‘rote’.
As children enter Reception, they will begin on Phase 2, learning 2 sounds per week. Once the Phase 2 sounds have been delivered the children will move onto Phase 3 which will be completed by the end of Reception. Recap lessons are carried out throughout the two phases to consolidate learning and application of the phonemes to reading and writing. Once the children have completed phase 3, they begin Phase 4 which focuses on consonant blends. Phase 4 continues into Year 1 .
Key Stage One
As children enter Year 1, they will generally be in Phase 3 and then progress on to Phase 4 and 5 and revise all previous phases. They then use their phonic knowledge further to assist them with spelling and a higher level of reading. The emphasis throughout the year is on spelling patterns and spelling families which aid children’s learning of these trickier phonemes. Towards the end of Year 1, the children will sit a phonics screening test and results reported home (more information can be found in the assessment section of the website).
Some children may be required to sit the phonics screening test in Year 2, if they did not reach the required standard at the end of Year 1. Children learn common exception words weekly and are encouraged daily to read and spell these words.
Key Stage Two
Although no direct phonics sessions are taught, it is built into daily literacy lessons and spellings. Spelling patterns and families are used in order to encourage correct spelling. Good phonetic skills help children to segment and blend words when spelling, and to help when reading more complex words. Children who enter KS2 and have not met the required phonic standard will receive extra support to ensure they make rapid progress and catch up.
Phonics Phase 2 Pronunciation
Phonics Phase 3 Pronunciation
Phonics Phase 5 Pronunciation (Alternative spellings)
100 High Frequency Words
Other excellent videos for supporting children's learning in Phonics are 'Mr Thornes does Phonics', 'Alphablocks' and 'Nessy Reading Strategies', which can be accessed on Youtube.
Our curriculum for this subject is based on and Newton Farm Scheme using the "Bug club phonics" scheme of learning as a base. Parent workshops, information sessions and class newsletters provide extra information on how we teach phonics.