PSHE stands for Personal, Social and Health Education and is incorporated at the heart of all our learning at Newton Farm on a daily basis. This is supported by our broad and balanced curriculum, enabling children to reach their full potential. Our main aims are for children to gain greater confidence and self-esteem, appreciate and acknowledge their rights and responsibilities as happy, successful citizens in our community.
We take great pride in teaching PSHE in all aspects of our curriculum and a different theme (e.g. new beginnings, changes etc.) is discussed weekly in whole-school assemblies with the children and then followed up by various activities in the curriculum. Not only do workshops take place during the year (e.g. police or fire safety) but these main messages are constantly reinforced in the classroom.
PSHE contributes to the Literacy standards in terms of reading, writing expressively and speaking and listening, which is a large part of the subject. It is incorporated in terms of group discussions, debate, majorly through philosophy for children.
Our curriculum also covers RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health education), where we aim to support our pupils to learn how to have happy and healthy relationships with others and themselves.