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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School



At Newton Farm, we aim to develop the knowledge and understanding of our children in major world religions and value systems found in Britain: Christianity; Hinduism; Islam; Judaism; Sikhism; Buddhism; Zoroastrianism; Bahai and Humanism. 


Our Religious Education curriculum is designed to foster children with an inquisitive mindset and reflective thinking. Children not only learn about religious traditions but learn from the religious ideas. Our curriculum aims to extend the children’s own sense of values and promotes their spiritual growth and development.


Our RE curriculum covers a range of topics that link to religious and non-religious views that allow children to broaden their learning about different belief systems. 


Children at Newton Farm visit local places of worship and representatives of local religious groups come into school to talk about different values.


Our curriculum for this subject is based on the local agreed syllabus for RE. For more information about how R.E is taught in maintained schools nationally, please follow this link.
