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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Roll of Excellence: 


My Roll of Excellence this week goes to . . .

. . . all children in Elm class for being amazing learners and unique members of the class. We really enjoyed going through this learning journey with you this year and watch you progressing and developing academically, socially and emotionally. We wish you all the best for Year 1!


We will miss you a lot…


Keep up the amazing learning J


Miss Douka, Miss Eamus, Mrs Siva , Mrs Desmond

This week in Elm class we participated in the Harrow council conservation project and we planted flower seeds in the field.

Making playdough . . .

This week in Elm class we used clay to make tea light pots candle and we really enjoyed being creative!

This week we have been learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar and have been able to see our caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Thanks for telling us about your jobs in Aspirations Week . . .

A fantastic day at Willows Activity Farm

Releasing the tadpoles back into the pond

Newton Farm News Round Part 1_WMV V9.wmv

Still image for this video

Newton Farm News Round Part 2_WMV V9.wmv

Still image for this video

We planted butter beans and we discussed what plants need to grow and how we look after them.

This week Elm class children enjoyed their first Gym session, they exercised hard and had lots of fun!

In the playground we practiced using prepositions to describe where an object is.

The last day of term we celebrated Easter by creating our own baskets!

We celebrated Shakespeare week, we read the story Midsummer night’s dream and we created an enchanted forest which is the setting of the play.

Great number work

Information for Phonics and High Frequency Words
