At Newton Farm School we hope to encourage all pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds, with which to acquire the knowledge and skills they will need throughout their lives. We help them to understand the world in which they live, and the inter-dependence of individuals, groups and nations. We believe that it is important that pupils appreciate human achievement, and have both tolerance and respect for the religions, moral values and ways of life to all people.
At all times the governors and staff aim to:
Create a happy, secure and productive working environment.
Allow all children to achieve their full potential by providing a differentiated curriculum to suit the needs of all children.
Maintain high standards of behaviour through building good relationships with all children. Help children develop fully as independent individuals.
Encourage all staff to work as a team. Help children become aware of their responsibilities in and towards society.
Work in partnership with parents, governors, local community and the L.A.
Be sensitive to the needs of all children and strive to enhance their self-esteem.
Be aware of equal opportunities issues throughout the school ranging from curriculum to staffing.
Be aware of children with specific and special needs and to ensure that proper planning is mapped to cater for their needs.
Ensure that each child receives an ‘all round’ education that fulfils his/her moral, spiritual, academic and social needs.
Regularly monitor and evaluate curriculum and school development and communicate these to both governors and parents.
Ensure that the school reflects the cultures of the children who are a part of it by having appropriate resources, displays and celebrating special days and festivals.
Help children develop an understanding and respect of their own and other cultures, races and religions.
Value and respect everyone in school by mutual communication.
Support the work of the Friends of Newton Farm and governors and work cooperatively with them.
Ensure that Newton Farm is a centre of excellence at all levels.