What time does school start?
8:50am – The children can come into school from 8:40am. Parents/carers must remain in the playground with their children as a member of staff will not be on duty (the school cannot accept responsibility for pupils that are left alone). Pupils arriving after 8:50am are late and must be signed in by a parent/carer at the office. School Office hours are 8:30am-4:00pm. It is important that your child comes into school on time to enable the teacher to welcome them and explain their tasks so they know what is expected of them.
Children can come straight into class from 8.45am at the earliest instead of waiting in the playground. On those days, entrance into school will be as follows:
Entrance doors will be shut promptly at 8.51am after which you will need to come with your child to the school office to be signed in the Late Book.
What if we are late?
The playground doors have to be shut as soon as the last children have entered the building. If you are later than 8:50am please bring your child into school via the main entrance and ensure that you sign your child in the Late Book, stating a reason for the lateness. This is necessary in case your child has missed morning registration in their classroom. If your child has missed registration but they are recorded in the late book, will we not phone you to ask why your child is absent/missing from school. Without a registration mark by a teacher, or a parental signature in the late book, a phone call will be made to ascertain the whereabouts of the child. It is important to try your best to be punctual at all times.
Where can I park if I come by car?
Our school is part of a Harrow Council SchoolStreets scheme which stops vehicles from driving in to Ravenswood Crescent and Drake Road between 8:30am and 9:15am and again from 3:00pm to 3:45pm.
There are also parking restriction zigzags/lines in the Ravenswood Crescent cul-de-sac entrance into school. These restrictions are enforceable and our local community police officers will enforce fines for those illegally parked.
The school car park is for staff and deliveries only. For the safety of all concerned we would ask you not to drive into the school grounds - including the driveway leading to the school gate - to drop off or pick up your child at any time, even if you are late or the weather is bad. If you do so you may be challenged by a member of staff.
We would also ask that if you are parking in the roads neighbouring the school, you are considerate to our neighbours and do not park (even partially) across anyone’s driveway or access even if you are late/in a hurry/it is only for a few minutes.
Can I come in to the school in the morning to help my child hang up his/her coat/talk to the teacher etc?
For a number of reasons, including the safety of your child, we would ask that you do NOT come into school with your child; it is a very busy time and we need to get the children settled in class as soon as possible – if your child needs help one of our staff will help. If you need to speak to the teacher and it will keep until the end of the day this is more convenient and less disruptive for your child and his/her classmates. If you need to get a message to the teacher urgently please give the teacher a note or ask our office staff to pass on a message.
What if my child has forgotten something that s/he will need at school?
We would ask that you ensure that your child brings everything s/he will need for school that day with him/her in the morning in order to minimise interruptions to classes and to the work of our office staff. The School Office will accept late items up until 9.20am, after this time items will not be accepted. These items should be clearly marked with your child’s name and class. Late items should be placed in the 'Late Box' and the class will be informed.
What time does the school finish?
School finishes at 3.30pm except on the last day of term when school usually finishes at the earlier time of 1.30pm. Please see details of after-school clubs on our website for pick up times when the clubs take place. Please make a note of the finish times of all clubs and make provisions for your child to be collected promptly.
What if I'm late to pick up my child?
If you have an emergency whereby you are unable to collect your child at the end of the day you must contact the office staff immediately. If a child is not collected at 3.30pm we will check for any information about changes to the normal collection routines. If no information is available, we will attempt to contact parents/carers at home/work/mobile phones. Please ensure that the school office has all your up to date telephone numbers. If by 6:00pm it has not been possible to make contact with any parent, relative or emergency contact and there is no indication of why the child has not been picked up, it will be necessary to contact Social Services. Please note that this would be an exceptional circumstance and we would expect all parents to ensure that they collect their child promptly as failure to do so results in the child becoming upset and distressed.