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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School





Anay - for responding to feedback 

Shakthika - for taking on feedback for her writing 




The children enjoyed making a fruit salad and smoothie, using tropical fruits. 



The children enjoyed making a fruit salad and smoothie, using tropical fruits.

The children have been working very hard research the events of The Great Fire of London.

Drama Workshop: A great opportunity for the children to develop their drama skills which they enjoyed. Fractions: They used practical objects to further develop the understanding of fractions this week.

The children have been working very hard exploring 2D and 3D shapes and have made a great start on fractions.

The children investigated lines of symmetry with various 2D shapes

Father Christmas

The children have been working hard on their multiplication skills. The children have used the methods they have learnt to solve word problems.

The children have been learning about multiplication and looking at arrays, grouping and repeated addition

The children have been working hard during assessment week

The children have been learning about compound words in their SPAG lesson this week.

The children are using chrome books to further develop their understand of a story.

Year 2 students doing research using their Chromebooks


Still image for this video

The children have been working on addition using the partition method. They have challenged themselves to add Double digit numbers together.

The children worked hard using imperative words to create instructions. They then had the chance to follow instructions and bake their own cookies.

Maths: Pupils learnt the symbols for more than and less than. The children really enjoyed learning about this.

The children have been working hard learning all about place value. They have been able to partition numbers into tens and ones using dean sticks and independently on paper.

The children have been learning how to use their Chrome Books.
