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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Roll of Excellence


My Roll of Excellence this week goes to:

. . . the whole class for being amazing!!!


Final Week

The last week of year 2 has come around so quickly, I remember the children when they first started this journey. Throughout the year the children have worked exceptionally hard and I am ever so proud of them. I hope to see them continue their hard work in their future studies.


I would also like this opportunities to thank all the parents for your continual support.

Summer Fair planning and meditating . . .

Thanks to Mr Shakeer for his motivational presentation

The children had an amazing time during their History of the Page Day.

Newsround Videos

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Please enjoy our beautiful Eid creations

The children practiced their sports skills by working with our special Rio 2016 Olympics competitor visitor.

Researching facts using an atlas, confidently using an index page to locate the countries and information needed.

Creating creatures of the rainforest

Preparing for National Tests

Working hard using reciprocity to work out answers to questions and explain their reasoning.

The children have been working hard telling the time. They now know how to read the clock in o'clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and 5 minute intervals. They have done very well.

I was very delighted to see the children use their BLP muscle of reciprocity whilst trying to complete maths challenge cards. They were able to help each other to resolve the challenge.

The children had an exciting Science Week! They completed science investigations within their key stage.

Year 2 Hazel worked hard bringing ideas together to create a Newsround episode for the school.

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The children have been working very hard investigating various coins and create various amounts.


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