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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School


Roll of Excellence


My Roll of Excellence this week goes to . . .

. . . the whole of year 3 Yew for excellent behaviour for learning on our school trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum.


This week we had our end of year school trip to Chiltern Open Air Museum where we learned all about the Romans and investigated minibeasts by pond dipping. 


Our Roman workshop was very fascinating as we played games from the Roman times and made oil lamps and mosaics. For the pond dipping activity, we looked at evidence and investigated what type of mini beast we found in the pond. We had a great time at Chiltern Open Air Museum. 

Newsround Y3 Yew

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Maths song . . .

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Y3 Yew investigating ​if the amount of angles a shape has is equal to the amount of sides the shape has.

History off the Page: Roman Britian. We enjoyed the workshops and learnt a lot.

In the photographs year 3 Yew have learned the myth of Romulus and Remus and how the city of Rome got its name. We then acted out the main scenes from the myth.

In our science lessons this week, we have been learning all about our bodies and we created our own dancing skeletons.

This week in Year 3 Yew we have been practicing rolling our times tables and we would like to share our song with you.

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Year 3 Yew 8.2.18_WMV V9.wmv

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