When will I meet my child's teacher and how do I know how my child is progressing?
Each term you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher at our Parents’ Evenings. Your child is continually assessed and we will report to you termly via the SIMS Parent App.
What about Homework?
Home Learning in the form of homework is a crucial part of extended learning as pupils develop their independent learning skills as well as extending good work habits at an early age. We ask parents of Junior School pupils to look at their child’s homework diary and look to see if the homework is of a good standard and only then sign the homework diary. It is important that parents engage in their child’s home learning programme regularly and consistently as research has shown that parental involvement plays a contributory element to a child’s success and school. Hearing your child read every day is equally important as it supports your child in ensuring they are pronouncing and decoding words for meaning. It is also important that you comment and sign to say that you have heard your child read in their reading record diary. We would greatly appreciate your support in this matter.
E-Safety - how to keep your child safe on-line
As part of our school drive to continue to improve e-safety, we would be grateful if you could ensure that you support your child to stay e-safe by monitoring their internet usage on a regular basis.