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Newton Farm Nursery, Infant & Junior School

Art and DT

Y3 children in DT making a moving picture using levers and linkages

Here are sewing samples which Year 4 children produced for the website.

Year 2 hand puppet DT photo for website using sewing and appliqué skills.

Year 4 planning, sewing and making their own pencil cases

DT club made paper pillars to hold books while Year 1 designed hand puppets for Reception

Here is the Year 5 block printing work using styrofoam and ink.

These are works from Year 3 Pop Art collage, Year 6 Surrealism self portrait and a Year 2 potato block print.

Year 1 are learning how to weave to make a simple pattern. This helps their fine motor skills!

Year 3 have been making colourful photo frames using junk resources!

Year 4 children have been working on Impressionism artwork. They used pastels for one and watercolours for another.

Year 4 are working on the mosaic work.

Year 1 created some funny Picasso faces in paint.

Year 1 have started their first unit in Art and Design on Picasso. They studied the artist and then used their cutting skills to create a face using different shapes.

Year 5 have made clay plaques and painted them.

Year 4 have been enjoying their outdoor Artwork. They have used different media to create a Georgia O'Keeffe style flower art.

Year 5 have been using clay to make plaques based on artists and styles of art they have studied. You can see some great techniques here.

Year 6 are drawing birds from different angles using their observational skills. Children used different graded pencils to shade and create tone. A lovely outdoors drawing lesson in nature.

Year 4 have been making salads. They learnt to chop, grate and peel. We then ate delicious salads in huge leafs of lettuce.

Year 2 made pizza sauce using different tomatoes. Next week we will use this to spread on our pizzas.

Year 1 have been making leaves using clay. Using clay has multi sensory benefits and is great fun! The children loved it.

Year 5's Sustainable project with Mrs Shah is coming along really well! They have used bottle tops to create Starry Night by the famous painter Van Gogh.

Year 3 are drawing and painting sunflowers like Van Gogh.

Year 4 have been practising their stitching skills. They have started to stitch buttons onto their pencil cases.

Year 6 are working with clay to make models of different items.

Year 3 used mixed media to create flowers as part of Art and Design where they learnt about Post Impressionism.

Yeah 1 have been practising their weaving by using their fine and gross motor skills.

Year 5 have been working with Mrs Shah on a Sustainable Art and D and T project using plastic bottle tops and newspaper. This lesson, the children started to create the background of two wonderful pieces for display.

Year 1 are busy recreating Kandinskys painting called Color Study. They used different size brushes to paint the concentric circles.

Year 1 are busy recreating Kandinskys painting called Color Study. They used different size brushes to paint the concentric circles.

Year 2 have been practising their sewing skills and making puppets.

Year 1 have been practising printing using fruits and vegetables.

Year 5 have been using different media to create landscapes using various techniques explored by David Hockney.

Year 2 have been learning how to make a knot as part of their unit on Puppets.

Year 4 have been working with pastels creating beautiful Impressionist art pieces inspired by Calude Monet.

Year 1 have started to learn about the style of art called Abstract Expressionism. For the first lesson, the children made a picture using different textured paper and card.

Year 6 are beginning their Textiles unit by learning how to sew. They practised threading and knotting.

Year 3 made oat, banana, honey and chocolate chip cookies. They combined ingredients together by mixing and mashing. Hygiene and safety in the kitchen was discussed in detail and followed.

Year 5 have been creating various landscape pictures. They have worked hard to show their shading and drawing skills using colour pencils.

Year 2 have worked very hard this half term creating magazine bowls as part of our Sustainable Art and DT project. They are tackling the plastic problem in school by replacing the plastic bowl in class to a magazine bowl. They made mini bowls first and then we worked as a class to make a huge bowl.

Year 1 have been exploring colours and mark making using a range of tools, techniques and surfaces. Here, they used pastels to mark make and colour.

Year 1 are studying the artist Picasso. They have practised their cutting and sticking skills to create a Picasso portrait collage.

Year 3 have started to learn about Pop Art. Here are some photos of their wonderful onamatoepia pop art words.

Year 3 have been learning about Pointillism. Pointillism is a technique of painting where small, distinct dots are applied in patterns to form an image. Famous Pointillist artists are George Seurat and Paul Signac. You can see their work at the National Gallery.
