On Monday 11 November 2013, Year 6 led a special Remembrance Day Assembly in honour of those men and women who died in the war so that we could live in peace in our own country.
The children told us about the fact that poppies are sold and worn every year around the time of 11th November as this was the day the in1918 when the First World War ended. Since then Remembrance Days has been used to remember everyone who has dies in the wars throughout the world. Although 1918 is long before we were born, it is still important that we do this today because there are lots of countries in the world who do not live in times of peace. We should not take our peace of granted. We should be thankful for the people who have given their lives so that we are free to live ours in peace.
Every year a two-minute silence is held throughout the country at 11 o’clock in the morning on 11th November, and these words are read:
“They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we shall remember them.”